SSSC Codes of practice

Code of Practice for Social Service Workers is a list of statements that describe the standards of professional conduct and practice required of social service workers as they go about their daily work. The Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers The Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers (the Codes) set out the behaviours and … Read more

SSSC Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers

The Codes of Practice for Social Service Workers and Employers (the Codes) set out the behaviors and values expected of social service workers and their employers. Click on the attachment below to download (1) We first published the Codes in 2003, setting out the national standards of conduct and practice that apply to all social service … Read more

SSSC Registration Fee

It’s important that you keep up to date with paying your fees. It’s your responsibility and if you don’t pay on time your registration could be removed meaning you would need to re-apply and pay the application fee. You may not be able to work and your employer may take action because you are not … Read more

SAQA National Key point

UNIT STANDARD RANGE  Legislation refers to Acts, amendments to Acts and related regulations governing National Key Points.NKP is to be interpreted in terms of the definitions as stipulated in the Act.Requirements of the NKP act also include the prescriptions of the NKP act.  Specific Outcomes and Assessment Criteria:  SPECIFIC OUTCOME 1  Explain the functions of … Read more

SAQA Generic Management level 3

National Certificate: Management  SAQA QUAL ID QUALIFICATION TITLE 83946  National Certificate: Management  ORIGINATOR SGB Generic Management  PRIMARY OR DELEGATED QUALITY ASSURANCE FUNCTIONARY NQF SUB-FRAMEWORK The individual Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary for each Learning Programme recorded against this qualification is shown in the table at the end of this report.  SFAP – Sub-framework Assignment … Read more

SAQA Generic Management level 4

Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management  SAQA QUAL ID QUALIFICATION TITLE 57712  Further Education and Training Certificate: Generic Management  ORIGINATOR SGB Generic Management  PRIMARY OR DELEGATED QUALITY ASSURANCE FUNCTIONARY NQF SUB-FRAMEWORK The individual Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary for each Learning Programme recorded against this qualification is shown in the table at the … Read more

SAQA Generic Management level 5

The scope of generic management covers five domains: leadership, managing the environment, managing relations, managing knowledge and the practice of management. National Certificate: Generic Management  SAQA QUAL ID QUALIFICATION TITLE 59201  National Certificate: Generic Management  ORIGINATOR SGB Generic Management  PRIMARY OR DELEGATED QUALITY ASSURANCE FUNCTIONARY NQF SUB-FRAMEWORK The individual Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary for each Learning Programme recorded against this qualification is … Read more

SAQA First Aid level 1

Perform basic life support and first aid procedures  SAQA US ID UNIT STANDARD TITLE 119567  Perform basic life support and first aid procedures  ORIGINATOR SGB Ancillary Health Care  PRIMARY OR DELEGATED QUALITY ASSURANCE FUNCTIONARY –   FIELD SUBFIELD Field 09 – Health Sciences and Social Services Curative Health  ABET BAND UNIT STANDARD TYPE PRE-2009 NQF … Read more

SAQA foreign evaluation

The purpose of the evaluation function is the recognition of foreign qualifications in terms of the South African National Qualifications Framework (NQF). SAQA derives this mandate from the NQF Act, 67 of 2008 (as amended) and performs the function according to thePolicy and Criteria for Evaluating Foreign Qualifications within the South African NQF (as amended, 2017). The … Read more

SAQA Hygiene and Cleaning level 1

Further Education and Training Certificate: Business Administration Services  SAQA QUAL ID QUALIFICATION TITLE 61595  Further Education and Training Certificate: Business Administration Services  ORIGINATOR SGB Administration  PRIMARY OR DELEGATED QUALITY ASSURANCE FUNCTIONARY NQF SUB-FRAMEWORK The individual Primary or Delegated Quality Assurance Functionary for each Learning Programme recorded against this qualification is shown in the table at … Read more