What makes Cimac the UK’s number one martial arts and boxing supplier? …… You do. With over 45 years of trading experience, we can boast an unrivalled knowledge of all combat sports products. Our passion, dedication and expertise in all areas of martial arts and boxing was recognised in 2006 by adidas when they appointed … Read more

OKRS Initiatives

When it comes to OKRs, the idea is similar. “Initiatives” refer to the tasks you need to do in order to drive progress on your key results. Initiatives are frequently confused with key results, but they are two distinct things. Key results are not tasks but rather a measurement of your progress toward your objectives. … Read more

OKRS Business

OKRs – “Objectives and Key Results” are being used by some of the world’s leading organizations for years now. The aim behind setting up OKRs is to increase “employee-company” vision alignment, foster transparency, and encourage a focused and streamlined approach towards goal attainment. Corporate giants like Adobe, Google, Netflix, and many more are known for … Read more

OKRS Benefits

Objective and key results (OKRs) boost efficacy and engagement by telling managers which team members are engaged. This information is easily accessible through a weekly OKR goals check-in process, which gives managers visibility into who’s achieving their OKRs. OKRs help managers build high-performing teams by empowering and engaging individuals so that they’ll be better at … Read more


OKR stands for Objectives and Key Results; where “O” is for objective and is what the business wants to achieve. “KR” is for the key results and is what the business needs to see in each specific time period in order to achieve the objective. CFR stands for Conversations, Feedback and Recognition. What’s the main … Read more

OKRS Examples Marketing

Strategic Marketing OKR examples Objective 1: Ensure the company meets the revenue targetsKey Results: Increase the new inbound sales from $25k to $50k per month Attract 500 new sales qualified leads Attract 100 new sales qualified leads from the new market (Europe) Product Marketing OKR examples Objective 1: Clarify our product messaging for the release … Read more

OKRS Guide

What are OKRs? OKR stands for objectives and key results. It’s a goal-setting methodology designed to push your team toward your biggest goals and help you monitor your progress in reaching them.  Humor us while we give you a quick history lesson. The origin of OKRs is rooted in the “Management By Objectives” system that … Read more

OKRS In Jira

OKR for Jira gives you the power to create objectives with as many nesting levels as you need to reflect your organization priorities. Simply create your objectives, add key results, and connect them to Jira issues. Now you can automatically track progress towards your goals and give everyone a clear path to success. Now you … Read more

OKRS vs Smart Goals

What are SMART goals? “SMART” is an acronym or mnemonic – with each letter representing a characteristic of Doran’s approach. He believed goals should be: SpecificContain well-defined central objectives MeasurableHave a quantifiable element to serve as an indicator of success Assignable (now referred to as “attainable”)Have a designated person for the task or goal Realistic … Read more

OKRS Explained

OKRs, or “objectives and key results,” are a goal setting methodology that can help teams set measurable goals. While most companies set goals, only 16% of knowledge workers say their company is effective at setting and communicating company goals. To increase employee engagement in goal setting and help your teams set and achieve ambitious goals, try setting OKRs. … Read more