Can I go to CCMA if I resign?

The question is often raised regarding the resignation of an employee who is facing disciplinary action, or who resigns before, during or after the disciplinary hearing. The question usually hinges around two issues – does the employee have the right to resign, and if so, can he still refer a dispute of unfair dismissal to … Read more

What does CCMA deal with?

A letter from the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) is the last thing any business owner wants to get. But what exactly is the CCMA, how does it operate and how can you avoid ever having to see the inside of their building? Aimed at promoting fair practices in the work environment, the Commission for … Read more

Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA)

The Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) is a dispute resolution body established in terms of the Labour Relations Act, 66 of 1995 (LRA). It is an independent body, does not belong to and is not controlled by any political party, trade union or business. The CCMA will Conciliate workplace disputes; Arbitrate certain categories of disputes … Read more

Who can fund my business in South Africa?

You have a great business idea and it’s sure to change your world and maybe everyone else’s too. Now if you could just get some funding…The good news is that there are several different organisations that you can approach to fund your business, from banks and venture capitalists to government. Venture capital finance This is … Read more

How do I get funding for my startup?

Application Process/Procedure • You must apply 3 months before you turn 35 years. •  Submission of all required documentation•  Proof of attending Business Management Training  course.•  Business Pitch presentation of 10 minutes – in person or telephonically.• Due Diligence assessment conducted by the NYDA official on the business. How to access the NYDA Grant Programme – Contact … Read more

How long does it take to get funding from nyda?

The grants programme has also reduced the lead time for any businesses to receive a response (whether favourable or not) to 21 days. The qualifying criteria includes: • Are youth 18-35 years• Youth with skills, experience or; with the potential skill, appropriate for the enterprise that they conduct or intend to conduct. • Are South African citizens • Are … Read more

How do I apply for nyda grant?

Application Process/Procedure • You must apply 3 months before you turn 35 years. •  Submission of all required documentation•  Proof of attending Business Management Training  course.•  Business Pitch presentation of 10 minutes – in person or telephonically.• Due Diligence assessment conducted by the NYDA official on the business. How to access the NYDA Grant Programme – Contact … Read more

What does the nyda do?

What is NYDA all about? The National Youth Development Agency provides financial and non-financial support to young entrepreneurs so that they can grow their businesses. This is made possible through their grant program, which we shall discuss in detail. It takes more than money for a business to succeed, and that is why the agency also offers … Read more

Who qualifies for nyda assistance?

Who qualifies for NYDA funding? To receive the funding, these are their requirements: The applicant must be a South African resident aged between 18-35 years. They should also have a viable business idea that can make profits. They are required to possess the skills and experience or potential skills for the business they are pitching. They should be … Read more

What is nyda funding?

The NYDA Grant Programme is designed to provide young entrepreneurs with an opportunity to access both financial and non- financial business development support in order to enable them to establish or grow their businesses. … Businesses or shareholders of businesses that are still owing the NYDA through loan funding. The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) is a South African-based agency … Read more