CSD Quick Facts


Provincial Treasuries – CSD Support

Eastern Cape TreasuryEmail addressTelephone number 
Abongile Makalalaabongile.makala@ectreasury.gov.za040 1010571 
Odwa Kalimasheodwa.kalimashe@ectreasury.gov.za040 1010574 
Peter Truterpeter.truter@ectreasury.gov.za040 1010372 
Wonga Balawonga.bala@ectreasury.gov.za040 1010432 
Xoliswa Mzimkuluxoliswa.mzimkulu@ectreasury.gov.za040 1010421 
Free State Treasury   
L Riddlesriddles@treasury.fs.gov.za051 4055521 
M Mohoasemohoase@treasury.fs.gov.za051 4054850 
MC Motsemmemotsemme@treasury.fs.gov.za051 4033283 
R Phakoephakoer@treasury.fs.gov.za051 4055402 
Gauteng Treasury   
Amelda SwartlandAmelda.swartland@gauteng.gov.za011 689 8572 
Bianca Le Veillebiancaleveille@gauteng.gov.za011 689 8054 
Catherine Le Bretoncatherinelebreton@gauteng.gov.za011 689 8991 
Glenda NaidooGlenda.naidoo@gauteng.gov.za011 689 8255 
Kathleen BougaardKathleen.bougaard@gauteng.gov.za011 689 4855 
Ndlela LucasNdlela.lucas@gauteng.gov.za011 689 8684 
Simon KgatlaSimon.kgatla@gauteng.gov.za011 689 6254 
KwaZulu-Natal Treasurydatabase@kzntreasury.gov.za0800201049 
  033 8974676/4509 
Limpopo Treasury   
Betty RakubuRakubuMB@treasury.limpopo.gov.za015 2918715 
Budeli Azwitevhelwibudelia@treasury.limpopo.gov.za015 9621752 
Vhembe district: Holeni T Isaacholeniti@treasury.limpopo.gov.za015 2918647 
Capricorn District: Mbedzi M Booimbedzimb@treasury.limpopo.gov.za015 8120149 
Mopani District: Mogoroga Phutimogorogape@treasury.limpopo.gov.za014 7175837 
Waterberg District : Sehale Maizasehalems@treasury.limpopo.gov.za013 2651344 
Mpumalanga Treasury   
Mpumalamga CSDMPcsd@mpg.gov.za  
Emah Mashianeemashiane@mpg.gov.za013 7664285 
Queeneth Sibiyaqsibiya@mpg.gov.za013 7664353 
Sabelo Msimangopsmsimango@mpg.gov.za013 7664226 
Themba Masukutmasuku@mpg.gov.za013 7664240 
Zanele Magagulazcmagagule@mpg.gov.za013 7664189 
Zanele Nkosizanelen@mpg.gov.za013 7664178 
North West Treasury   
Busisiwe Telekobteleko@nwpg.gov.za018 3881533 
Keamogetse Ntsomakntsoma@nwpg.gov.za018 3883939 
Nonini Mkhoengnmakhoeng@nwpg.gov.za018 3884230 
Seipati Leshomosleahomo@nwpg.gov.za018 3884226 
Northern Cape Treasury   
Brenda Jacobsbrenda jacobs@ncpg.gov.za053 8308459 
Julia Boanejboane@ncpg.gov.za053 80250 35 
  076 0823386 
Western Cape Treasury   
Fabian Kennedyfabian.kennedy@westerncape.gov.za021 4839853 
Malibongwe Vusanimalibongwe.vusani@westerncape.gov.za021 4834712 
Peter Lloydpeter.lloyd@westerncape.gov.za021 4834684 


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