how to calculate unisa year mark

how to calculate unisa year mark Year-mark and final examination mark The year-mark contribution towards the final examination mark is calculated as follows: 50% of the mark obtained for assignment 01 Plus 50% of the mark obtained for assignment 02 If you only submit assignment 01, your year mark will be 50% of the mark … Read more

how does unisa year mark work

how does unisa year mark work Year-mark and final examination mark The year-mark contribution towards the final examination mark is calculated as follows: 50% of the mark obtained for assignment 01 Plus 50% of the mark obtained for assignment 02 If you only submit assignment 01, your year mark will be 50% of the mark … Read more

how does unisa year modules work

how does unisa year modules work semester/year course examinations Semester Examinations Semester / module examinations are written twice annually: First semester: May / June Second semester: October / November Examinations for modules which are offered in semesters are written in May / June with the supplementary and aegrotat examinations being written in October / November. … Read more

how are unisa year marks calculated

how are unisa year marks calculated As explained in COSALLF Tut Letter 301, assignments are used to determine a year mark. In COS340A the year mark will count 25% of your final mark. (The examination will count 75% of your final mark.). As you can see this is a significant contribution towards yoru final mark. … Read more

how to pay unisa via eft

how to pay unisa via eft International students Please note that this bank account can ONLY be used by international students. The preferred method of payment is credit card via the Unisa website. Unisa web payment link: (this is a secure site). Alternatively, you can make payment by means of a SWIFT/EFT transfer (see … Read more

unisa how to defer

To defer Unisa Exams, you need to Fill the Exams Deferment Forms . The Forms can be Accessed Here and Filled, and Submitted

how much is unisa supplementary

Miscellaneous fees Apart from your general fees, there are various miscellaneous fees that you will encounter in the course of your studies, such as supplementary exams, remarks, exemption certificates and library cards. All miscellaneous fees are payable to Unisa and may be included with your student fees. The following table details all these fees and … Read more

how to track unisa registration

how to track unisa registration Applying and registering are two completely different processes. Make sure you acquaint yourself with the different meanings. Give UNISA quite a few weeks (3 to 4) to process your application, unless the deadline is obviously looming. Tracking your registration status An online tool exists for this purpose: Should you … Read more

how to check unisa registration status

Applying and registering are two completely different processes. Make sure you acquaint yourself with the different meanings. Give UNISA quite a few weeks (3 to 4) to process your application, unless the deadline is obviously looming. Tracking your registration status An online tool exists for this purpose: Should you be worried about extensive delays … Read more