UNISA Short Course in Writing a Business Plan

UNISA Short Course in Writing a Business Plan University of South Africa Short Course in Writing a Business Plan Short Course in Writing a Business Plan (7179X)Purpose The rise in unemployment and the number of retrenched employees and an increased entrepreneurial spirit among the youth have resulted in increasingly more people needing to start their … Read more

UNISA Short Course in SMME Management

UNISA Short Course in SMME Management University of South Africa Short Course in SMME Management Short Course in SMME Management (72087)Purpose The purpose of this SLP and module is to empower students with the necessary competencies, such as knowledge, skills and values, to equip them for entrepreneurial and management responsibilities in a small business; show … Read more

UNISA Short Course in Public Relations

UNISA Short Course in Public Relations Short Course in Public Relations (71897)Purpose The field of public relations involves a variety of programmes designed to promote and/or protect an organisation’s image or its individual products. Public relations can also be used to promote people, places, ideas, activities and even nations. The purpose of this short course … Read more

UNISA Short Course in Customer Service Management

UNISA Short Course in Customer Service Management University of South Africa Short Course in Customer Service Management Short Course in Customer Service Management (71641)Purpose The purpose of the Short Course in Customer Service Management is to introduce students to the complexities of rendering service on a one-to-one basis, as well as managing this function in … Read more

UNISA Short Course in Basic Financial Life Skills

University of South Africa Short Course in Basic Financial Life Skills Short Course in Basic Financial Life Skills (7182X)Purpose To educate students, individuals, parents, teachers, skills/HR trainers, brokers to be, employees, entrepreneurs and school leavers in basic personal financial life skills. This knowledge is a prerequisite for life, a career and entrepreneurship.  Target group Adults interest … Read more

UNISA Short Course in Basic Business Finance

UNISA Short Course in Basic Business Finance University of South Africa Short Course in Basic Business Finance Short Course in Basic Business Finance (71307)Purpose The aim of the course is to equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values to practice sound basic financial management in their enterprises thereby empowering this sector of the … Read more

UNISA short Course in Refresher Training for Explosives Workers

UNISA Short Course in Refresher Training for Explosives Workers University of South Africa Short Course in Refresher Training for Explosives Workers Short Course in Refresher Training for Explosives Workers (76831)Purpose To apply safe handling principles during explosives processes throughout the life cycle of explosives products and to allow refresher training to explosives workers to confirm their … Read more

UNISA Short Courses in Agriculture and Environmental Sciences

UNISA Short Courses in Agriculture and Environmental  Sciences University of South Africa Short Courses in Agriculture and Environmental  Sciences UNISA Short Course in Managing Health and Nutrition in Adverse ConditionsUNISA Short Course in the Introduction to Agribusiness ManagementUNISA Short Course in Community Asset Mapping for ChangeUNISA Short Course in Environmental Law and Liabilities for the Regulated … Read more

UNISA Short Course in Barista Skills

UNISA Short Course in Barista Skills University of South Africa Short Course in Barista Skills Short Course in Barista Skills (76901)Purpose To ensure the growth of the Barista profession. There is currently a shortage, in terms of access and availability, of Barista training for sustainable enterprise development in communities in South Africa. Therefore, this course will … Read more