UNISA Short Course in Pension Funds Law

UNISA Short Course in Pension Funds Law University of South Africa Short Course in Pension Funds Law Short Course in Pension Funds Law (72729)Purpose This short learning programme aims to provide an advanced knowledge of the legal principles relating to pension funds, and to update participants on the development in South African pension fund law … Read more

UNISA Short Course in Advanced Corporate Law and Securities Law

UNISA Short Course in Advanced Corporate Law and Securities Law University of South Africa Short Course in Advanced Corporate Law and Securities Law Advanced Corporate Law and Securities Law (76228)Purpose This short learning programme aims to provide legal and accountingpractitioners, auditors, company secretaries, and others with anadvanced knowledge of the legal principles and applicable legislation … Read more

UNISA Short Courses in Human Sciences

UNISA Short Courses in Human Sciences University of South Africa Short Courses in Human Sciences Centre for Applied Information and CommunicationCentre for Applied PsychologyThe Povey Centre for the Study of English in Southern AfricaCentre for Pan African Languages and Cultural DevelopmentTirisano CentreKhanokhulu Centre

UNISA Short Course in Entering Youth Ministry

UNISA Short Course in Entering Youth Ministry Short Course in Entering Youth Ministry (76910)Purpose Target group Youth leaders, Youth workers, Sunday school teachers, Catechists, community volunteers, Lay ministers and preachers of various Christian denominations; other persons involved in teaching or pastoral care in faith communities.  Admission requirements National Senior Certificate or recognition of prior learning.  Duration One … Read more

UNISA Short Course in Enterpreting the Gospel of Mark in Context

UNISA Short Course in Enterpreting the Gospel of Mark in Context University of South Africa Short Course in Enterpreting the Gospel of Mark in Context Short Course in Enterpreting the Gospel of Mark in Context (76909)Purpose To enhance the quality of ministry of lay preachers by helping them attain a deeper knowledge and better understanding … Read more

UNISA Short Courses Offered by Tirisano Centre

UNISA Short Courses Offered by Tirisano Centre UNISA Short Course in Developing a Project Plan for an Advocacy Campaign on HIV and AIDSUNISA Short Course in Mainstreaming HIV/AIDS into Academic Development, Research and Community Engagement

UNISA Short Courses Offered by Centre for Pan African Languages and Cultural Development

UNISA Short Courses Offered by Centre for Pan African Languages and Cultural Development UNISA Short Course in Basic Communication Skills in ZuluUNISA Short Course in Basic Communication Skills in VendaUNISA Short Course in Basic Communication Skills in XhosaUNISA Short Course in Basic Communication Skills in TswanaUNISA Short Course in Basic Communication Skills in TsongaUNISA Short … Read more

UNISA Short Course in Basic Communication Skills in Northern Sotho

UNISA Short Course in Basic Communication Skills in Northern SothoShort Course in Basic Communication Skills in Northern Sotho (72850) PurposeTo empower adult speakers for whom the specific African language is not the first language through basic theoretical and practical language training relevant to their background, so that they can use their communication skills in a … Read more