2025/2026 University of Fort Hare Application Form
Undergraduate & Honours Application Form (Click here to download form)
Non-refundable fee of R120.00
Closing Date: 31st October
(No late applications will be accepted)
Postgraduate Application Form (Click here to download form)
Non-refundable fee of R120.00
Closing 31st October
1. All applications for admission are subject to the selection process.
2. Applicants must comply with the general admission requirements and any other specific requirements as prescribed by the Faculty.
3. A candidate may be expected to attend an interview, undergo a selection test and/or make a written presentation to the relevant head of department.
The Student Administration Office will help you with application, admission and registration enquiries.
Admission Enquiries
Alice Campus
Tel.: 040-602 2016/ 2053/ 2122/ 2174
East London Campus
Tel.: 043-704 7155/ 7266/ 7004/ 7139
2.1 Every prospective student shall apply for admission to a programme offered by the University on the prescribed form. The form of application must be completed in detail and signed by the prospective student and his/her parent or guardian if he/she is a minor. The completed form must be sent to the Registrar by the date stipulated in 2.3 below, together with the application fee.
2.2 A student who was registered at another university must, upon application for admission to the University of Fort Hare, submit a certificate of conduct from the aforementioned university, which is acceptable to the Council of the University of Fort Hare.
2.3 The closing date for applications for admission shall be 31st October
January (for late application). A late application fee will be payable for applications received after 30 September.
2.4 If the above-mentioned dates (2.3 above) fall on a Saturday or Sunday, the closing date will be the next normal business day.
2.5 Applications for admission as a student received after 15 January shall be regarded as „walk-in‟ applications and shall not be considered for that particular academic year. Such application fees shall not be refundable.
2.6 Admission requirements
2.6.1 No person shall be registered as a student at the University for a programme unless he/she meets the general entrance requirements for admission (2.6.2 below), the entrance requirements as stipulated in the rules for a particular programme and has written the National Benchmark Test (NBT). This rule shall only apply from 2011.
2.6.2 A student who was not previously registered at this or another
University, shall meet one of the following requirements – a Matriculation Certificate, a National Senior Certificate, a School Leaving Certificate or a Further Education and Training (FET 4) Certificate; or mature age, Senate discretionary or any other form of conditional or complete exemption; or any alternative qualification, examination or experience (prior learning and/or experience) which is recognized in terms of the admission policy of the University as laid down by Council in consultation with Senate; provided that Council in consultation with Senate may further prescribe by regulation additional requirements as it deems fit as a prerequisite for admission to any specific programme.
2.7 Senate’s Discretionary Exemption
2.7.1 Students with a Senior Certificate without Matriculation Exemption/Endorsement wishing to enrol for a degree programme may apply for Senate Discretionary Exemption (SDE), but should be advised that certain minimum requirements in certain school subjects may be required for some programmes and/or qualifications.
2.7.2 If their applications are successful, learners will be advised by Faculty Managers of their admission into the relevant Faculty‟s Foundation Programme through the Admissions Office.
2.7.3 Students admitted via SDE3 (credit bearing and value addition modules) will be allowed to register for modules with a maximum of 96 regular credits during their first year. In addition, students have to successfully complete value addition (i.e. non credit bearing) modules to the equivalent of 320 notional hours during their first year.
2.7.4. SDE students admitted according to SDE3 will not be allowed to proceed to their second year of study until they have successfully completed all value addition modules as well as a minimum of 60 credits of their regular, credit bearing modules.
2.7.5 Upon registration, SDE3 students will be assisted by Faculty Managers to apply for conditional certificates. When SDE3 students have successfully completed the equivalent of at least 120 credits of regular, credit bearing courses, Faculty Managers will assist such students in their application of complete exemption certificates.
2.7.6 SDE Students admitted according to SDE1, SDE2, SDE4 or SDE5 models, will be assisted by Faculty Managers to apply for complete exemption certificates, and may, after consultation with Faculty Managers, enrol for regular degree programmes.
2.8 Exemptions: Senate may exempt candidates from attendance and assessment in a module on the grounds of their having obtained credit for the same or equivalent modules prescribed for another qualification of the University. Candidates may also be granted recognition at another institution, provided that candidates who are already in possession of a first qualification shall be granted recognition towards a second qualification at the same or at a lower NQF level in respect of modules previously completed only up to a maximum of half of the prescribed credits required for a second qualification.
2.9 Minimum credits for degree qualifications: All UFH academic programmes/qualifications shall, in terms of SAQA credits, be configured such that each year of study shall entail students completing a minimum of 128 credits. Accordingly, students shall only qualify for a UFH three-year or four- year degree after completing a minimum of 384 credits or 512 credits respectively.
2.10 In cases where a candidate who is already in possession of a first qualification wishes to obtain a second qualification which has a set programme from which
deviation is not possible, owing to the requirements of the University or an outside body, the provision in Rule 2.6.1 above shall not apply.
2.11 Minimum time spent towards a qualification: In order to graduate with a UFH qualification, a student must, in the course of his/her studies at the University of Fort Hare, successfully complete a minimum of 120 credits at the exit level on which the relevant qualification is registered
2.12 Currency of undergraduate modules: Undergraduate modules from other institutions for which credits are requested may not be older than 5 years. UFH modules retain their validity towards unfinished qualifications for 8 years. Senate may refuse recognition of a module (credit) on the basis that its content has changed and/or the module (credit) is too old to be given recognition.
3.1 A prospective student must first be admitted to the University in accordance with the provisions of Rule 2 above before he/she may register; he/she must supply proof of such admittance at registration. The University shall not be obliged to register a prospective student even though he/she has been admitted to the University; the student must also comply with the requirements of registration.
3.2 Before commencing their studies in any year prospective students shall register as students of the University at the venue and on the date and time published beforehand by the Registrar by signing their names on the official registration form, thereby signifying their acceptance of the rules of the University and of liability to pay the prescribed fees including residence fees, where applicable. Except with the Registrar‟s written permission, no person who is in arrears with the payment of any fees due to the University shall be registered as a student.
3.2.1 Postal registration of returning senior students is permissible under certain conditions, namely where students have settled their debt prior to or on the due dates, and where the results of the examinations preceding the registration is available.
3.3 Students who have been admitted to a programme shall register for the specified modules before the commencement of such modules. No late registrations shall be accepted except with the written permission of the Head of Department/Dean concerned, and within the period indicated in the official diary.
3.4 Compliance with programme requirements
3.4.1 The onus is on students to ensure that the modules for which they are registered comply with the requirements of the relevant Head of Department(s)/Head of Department/Dean(s) and the Dean, or their representatives, to indicate that all requirements are met.
3.4.2 Senate may approve a special curriculum within the framework of the
rules for a student who has been exempted from any module(s) in terms of the provision of the Statute.
3.5 Concurrent registration except by permission of Senate. No students shall concurrently be registered for more than one programme at the University without the permission of Senate.
3.6 Limitation of registration. Every person registered as a student at the
University shall be deemed registered:
3.6.1 for one calendar year, semester or such shorter period as Council generally, or in any particular case, may specify; and
3.6.2 for the modules as specified on the official registration form.
Registration of the student shall lapse after expiry of this period of registration. If a person wishes to remain a student at the University or to be reassessed in a particular module, he/she shall renew his/her registration.
3.7 Offering of modules. If any small number of students wish to enroll for a given module in any year, the relevant Faculty may after consideration of the staffing position and module viability and after consultation with the unit offering the programme concerned, decide that such module shall not be offered in that year. Faculty Boards may also set a maximum class size for a programme in consideration of the staffing and facilities available for the programme. This rule shall be especially applicable to the offering of modules on a part-time basis. In terms of the rule, a part-time student shall not be entitled to demand and receive tuition in every module forming part of the curriculum of the UFH qualification for which s/he is/was registered by virtue only of having been allowed to commence her/his studies at UFH on a part- time basis.
3.8 Timetable clashes. Students may not register for modules with a clash on the lecture, practical or examination timetables without the approval of the Programme Co-ordinator and the Registrar. The University is not obliged to rearrange an examination timetable to accommodate instances where a student registered for modules which clash on the lecture or practical timetables.
3.9 Special prerequisites and ancillaries for particular modules. Senate may determine that candidates shall not be admitted to a particular module unless they have obtained credit for another specified module or simultaneously registered for another specified module. Failure to adhere to the above- mentioned rule of prerequisites and co-requisites, where applicable, may result in the immediate cancellation of the module(s) involved.
3.10 Registration of occasional students.
3.10.1 Senate may permit any person to register as an occasional student for a module or modules other than as a candidate for a degree, subject to such conditions as may be prescribed by the Head of
Department/Dean concerned.
3.10.2 Senate may, subject to conditions as may be prescribed, permit a student to register for a module or modules other than as part of his/her curriculum.
3.10.3 Subject to the provisions of Rule 2.8, Senate may grant a student credit towards a qualification for one or more modules completed while registered in terms of the provisions of Rule 3.10.1 and/or 3.10.2, subject to such conditions as it may prescribe in an individual case, provided that a student shall, on registration, qualify for admission to the programme concerned and the module can form part of an approved curriculum for the qualification/programme.
3.11 Registration/concurrent registration with another institution. Where a student is for any reason whatsoever unable or unwilling to register for a UFH (core/elective) module required in order for her/him to complete the curriculum of the qualification for which she is registered at UFH, the University shall (through the relevant Faculty office) provide permission for the student to register for that module with any other higher education institution. For the avoidance of doubt, a student who has completed a module with another higher education institution pursuant to this rule shall be entitled to apply for recognition of the credit as soon as possible after s/he obtains a pass in the relevant module. This rule/provision shall not apply to a module that constitutes a „major‟ within an undergraduate degree curriculum.
3.12 Compulsory registration of last outstanding module under G.Rule 7 or with another institution. Students who have ONE module outstanding for completion of the curriculum of the qualification for which they are registered shall not be eligible to register for that module on a full-time basis, with or without any other modules, but may request permission to register for that last outstanding module in terms of G.Rule 7. Where such a student is unable to register in terms of G. Rule 7, s/he may apply for permission to register for the said (last outstanding module) at another institution in terms of the immediately preceding G.Rule 3.11. This rule/provision shall not apply to a module that constitutes a „major‟ within an undergraduate curriculum.
3.13 Student identification. Every student, while on campus or using University facilities shall produce his/her student registration card upon request.
3.14 Promotion criteria. Promotion of students shall be determined by Faculties, for which purpose Faculties have to provide specific criteria.
3.15 Academic exclusion of full-time students. Full-time students who have failed to obtain the minimum number of credits towards the qualification for which they are registered shall be excluded from the University on academic grounds:
3.15.1 In the case of a three-year degree programme After one year, a minimum of 40 credits; After two years, a minimum of 120 credits; After three years, a minimum of 180 credits; After four years, a minimum of 300 credits; After five years, if a degree has not been obtained;
3.15.2 In the case of a four-year degree programme After one year, a minimum of 40 credits; After two years, a minimum of 120 credits; After three years, a minimum of 240 credits; After four years, a minimum of 360 credits; After five years, a minimum of 420 credits; After six years, if a degree has not been obtained.
3.15.3 In the case of a Foundation Year Programme (FYP)
The first year of registration of a Foundation Year Programme shall not be taken into account in calculating the prescribed period of study for the purpose of academic exclusion.
3.15.4 Change of programme and interruption of study Where a student has been allowed to change registration from one programme to another after the first year of study, the prescribed period of study shall be calculated from the registration of the new programme; Where a student has been allowed to change registration from one programme to another after the second year of study or in later years, the number of years subsequent to the first year of study of the first programme shall be taken into account when calculating the prescribed period of study in respect of the new programme; In calculating the prescribed period of study, the frequency or duration of the period of interruption of study by a student shall not be taken into account. A student shall be permitted to change registration from one programme to another on one occasion only.
3.16 Academic exclusion of part-time students
3.16.1 A student shall be excluded from the University if he/she has not fulfilled all the requirements for his/her proposed degree within ten years of study, except in special circumstances approved by Senate.
3.16.2 Periods of attendance and examination results at another university shall be taken into account, with one year of full-time study being regarded as equivalent to two years of part-time study.
3.16.3 The University may re-admit a student who has been excluded from the university where his/her subsequent experience or academic achievement justifies readmission.
3.16.4 A student who was previously eligible for exclusion, but who was not excluded at that time, may be excluded on that basis at the end of any
subsequent year.
3.16.5 If a student by means of written notification received by the Registrar before 15 April of any year cancels his/her registration, the registration for that year shall not be taken into account for exclusion purposes.
3.16.6 Exclusion of non-registered persons. No person who has not been registered as a student may attend lectures or use any of the facilities or privileges offered by the University to its duly registered students.
3.17 Appeal against academic exclusion from the University
3.17.1 A student who has been excluded on academic grounds shall be entitled to appeal his/her exclusion to the Faculty Planning and Management Committee (FPMC) or the HOD‟s Committee of the Faculty in which the student is registered. Such appeal must be lodged with the relevant Faculty Manager no later than 25 January of every year. The said Committee must consider and decide upon such appeals no later than two weeks after receipt of the appeal documentation by the Faculty Manager.
3.17.2 In deliberating on an appeal pursuant to this rule, the Faculty Planning and Management Committee or HOD‟s Committee shall be entitled to consider all factors deemed pertinent to such a matter by the Committee, including the student‟s historical, academic performance, physical and mental health (supported by appropriate documentation), and compelling personal circumstances as evidence by appropriate documentation. Where the Committee considers it appropriate, it MAY impose clear/specific conditions on the re-admission of a student excluded on academic grounds.
3.17.3 A student who is dissatisfied with the outcome of a decision of the Faculty Planning and Management Committee or HOD‟s Committee rendered in accordance with the immediately preceding paragraph shall be entitled to appeal the decision to the Board of the relevant Faculty. The said Board must consider and decide upon such appeals at its first meeting (whether regular or special) in each academic year. The Board may set aside the decision of the Faculty Planning and Management Committee or HOD‟s Committee or upholds the Committee‟s decision in its entirety or varies the terms thereof. In respect to the appeal process prescribed under this rule, the Faculty Board‟s decision shall be final.
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