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When can I apply for forms24 bursary

Forms24 offers bursaries and financial aid to students every year across various institutions. Our bursary applications start in August every year and closes on 30th September. Students are encouraged to apply at the financial aid center at their current institution. Students gets the opportunity to win various financal aid packages including international scholarships.

How much is counseling at forms24

Cost of counseling at forms24 is mostly based on the nature and needs of the student. Forms24 offer extremely competitive pricing for students. Our counseling is 25% cheaper than traditional counseling services. We offer various discounts and also free services to enable financially challenged students to be abe to access our services

How does Forms24 work

Forms24 have representative at the guidance and counseling departments accross various high schools and tertiary institutions on the african continent. Students can directly book an appointment directly in their school and have a one to one chat with our experts